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Hafer Barista Edition 6er Pack, 6x1L - Oatly Hafer Barista Edition 6er Pack, 6x1L - Oatly
CHF 19.20 * CHF 20.70 *
Inhalt 6000 Milliliter (CHF 0.32 * / 100 Milliliter)
Barista aus Erbsenprotein, 1L - vly Barista aus Erbsenprotein, 1L - vly
CHF 3.90 *
Inhalt 1000 Milliliter (CHF 0.39 * / 100 Milliliter)
Unsweetened powered by peas, 1L - Sproud Unsweetened powered by peas, 1L - Sproud
CHF 3.50 *
Inhalt 1000 Milliliter (CHF 0.35 * / 100 Milliliter)
Räuchertofu klassik Bio, 200g - Taifun Räuchertofu klassik Bio, 200g - Taifun
CHF 3.90 *
Inhalt 200 Gramm (CHF 1.95 * / 100 Gramm)
High Protein aus Erbsenprotein, 1L - vly High Protein aus Erbsenprotein, 1L - vly
CHF 3.90 *
Inhalt 1000 Milliliter (CHF 0.39 * / 100 Milliliter)
Ungesüsst aus Erbsenprotein, 1L - vly Ungesüsst aus Erbsenprotein, 1L - vly
CHF 3.90 *
Inhalt 1000 Milliliter (CHF 0.39 * / 100 Milliliter)
Barista powered by peas, 1L - Sproud Barista powered by peas, 1L - Sproud
CHF 3.75 *
Inhalt 1000 Milliliter (CHF 0.38 * / 100 Milliliter)
Kokosjoghurt natur Bio, 150g - Biedermann Kokosjoghurt natur Bio, 150g - Biedermann
CHF 1.80 *
Inhalt 150 Gramm (CHF 1.20 * / 100 Gramm)
Hafer Cuisine Bio, 250ml - Oatly Hafer Cuisine Bio, 250ml - Oatly
CHF 1.95 *
Inhalt 250 Milliliter (CHF 0.78 * / 100 Milliliter)
Pflanzliche Alternative La Fondue Vegan Bio, 500g - New Roots Pflanzliche Alternative La Fondue Vegan Bio, 500g - New Roots
CHF 12.95 * CHF 14.40 *
Inhalt 500 Gramm (CHF 2.59 * / 100 Gramm)
Hafer Barista Bio, 1L - Oatly Hafer Barista Bio, 1L - Oatly
CHF 3.45 *
Inhalt 1000 Milliliter (CHF 0.35 * / 100 Milliliter)
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Mais Chips Natur Bio, 125g - Pural
Mais Chips Natur Bio, 125g - Pural
CHF 2.80 *
Inhalt 125 Gramm (CHF 2.24 * / 100 Gramm)
Cracker Kümmel Bio, 100g - Pural
Cracker Kümmel Bio, 100g - Pural
CHF 5.50 *
Inhalt 100 Gramm
Kaugummi Zimt Bio, 30g - Chicza
Kaugummi Zimt Bio, 30g - Chicza
CHF 3.40 *
Inhalt 30 Gramm (CHF 11.33 * / 100 Gramm)
Kaugummi Spearmint Bio, 30g - Chicza
Kaugummi Spearmint Bio, 30g - Chicza
CHF 3.40 *
Inhalt 30 Gramm (CHF 11.33 * / 100 Gramm)
Kaugummi Minze Bio, 30g - Chicza
Kaugummi Minze Bio, 30g - Chicza
CHF 3.40 *
Inhalt 30 Gramm (CHF 11.33 * / 100 Gramm)
Kaugummi Limone Bio, 30g - Chicza
Kaugummi Limone Bio, 30g - Chicza
CHF 3.40 *
Inhalt 30 Gramm (CHF 11.33 * / 100 Gramm)
Flüssigwürze Bio, 100g - Morga
Flüssigwürze Bio, 100g - Morga
CHF 3.90 *
Inhalt 100 Gramm
Braune Sauce Bio, 200g - Morga
Braune Sauce Bio, 200g - Morga
CHF 6.90 *
Inhalt 200 Gramm (CHF 3.45 * / 100 Gramm)
vego Whole Hazelnut Chocolate Bar Bio, 150g - vego Chocolate
vego Whole Hazelnut Chocolate Bar Bio, 150g - vego Chocolate
CHF 6.30 *
Inhalt 150 Gramm (CHF 4.20 * / 100 Gramm)
vego mini Whole Hazelnut Chocolate Bar Bio, 65g - vego Chocolate
vego mini Whole Hazelnut Chocolate Bar Bio, 65g - vego Chocolate
CHF 3.40 *
Inhalt 65 Gramm (CHF 5.23 * / 100 Gramm)
Wellness Woche Bio, 11x 500ml - Biotta
Wellness Woche Bio, 11x 500ml - Biotta
CHF 73.75 * CHF 66.35 *
Inhalt 5500 Milliliter (CHF 1.21 * / 100 Milliliter)
Soy Medaillons BIG Soja Bratlinge (Vorratskarton), 5kg - Vantastic
Soy Medaillons BIG Soja Bratlinge (Vorratskarton), 5kg - Vantastic
CHF 79.95 *
Inhalt 5000 Gramm (CHF 1.60 * / 100 Gramm)
Soy Medaillons BIG Soja Bratlinge, 500g - Vantastic
Soy Medaillons BIG Soja Bratlinge, 500g - Vantastic
CHF 11.00 *
Inhalt 500 Gramm (CHF 2.20 * / 100 Gramm)
Soy Medaillons BIG Soja Bratlinge, 140g - Vantastic
Soy Medaillons BIG Soja Bratlinge, 140g - Vantastic
CHF 4.00 *
Inhalt 140 Gramm (CHF 2.86 * / 100 Gramm)
White Choc Buttons, 500g - Vantastic
White Choc Buttons, 500g - Vantastic
CHF 20.80 *
Inhalt 500 Gramm (CHF 4.16 * / 100 Gramm)
Choc Buttons, 500g - Vantastic
Choc Buttons, 500g - Vantastic
CHF 20.80 *
Inhalt 500 Gramm (CHF 4.16 * / 100 Gramm)
Ü-Ei, 50g - Mr. Vegan
Ü-Ei, 50g - Mr. Vegan
CHF 4.95 *
Inhalt 50 Gramm (CHF 9.90 * / 100 Gramm)
Ü-Ei 4er Bundle, 4x 50g - Mr. Vegan
Ü-Ei 4er Bundle, 4x 50g - Mr. Vegan
CHF 19.80 * CHF 16.60 *
Inhalt 200 Gramm (CHF 8.30 * / 100 Gramm)
Ü-Ei 9er Bundle, 9x 50g - Mr. Vegan
Ü-Ei 9er Bundle, 9x 50g - Mr. Vegan
CHF 44.55 * CHF 35.55 *
Inhalt 450 Gramm (CHF 7.90 * / 100 Gramm)
Pflanzliche Alternative zu Salami, 80g - Outlawz Food
Pflanzliche Alternative zu Salami, 80g - Outlawz Food
CHF 4.50 *
Inhalt 80 Gramm (CHF 5.63 * / 100 Gramm)
Getreideringe Original mit Vanille-Geschmack Bio, 300g - All Good
Getreideringe Original mit Vanille-Geschmack Bio, 300g - All Good
CHF 6.05 *
Inhalt 300 Gramm (CHF 2.02 * / 100 Gramm)
Getreideringe mit Heidelbeer-Geschmack Bio, 300g - All Good
Getreideringe mit Heidelbeer-Geschmack Bio, 300g - All Good
CHF 6.05 *
Inhalt 300 Gramm (CHF 2.02 * / 100 Gramm)
Getreideringe mit Schoko-Geschmack Bio, 300g - All Good
Getreideringe mit Schoko-Geschmack Bio, 300g - All Good
CHF 6.05 *
Inhalt 300 Gramm (CHF 2.02 * / 100 Gramm)
Karotte Orange Suppe Bio, 350ml - Little Lunch
Karotte Orange Suppe Bio, 350ml - Little Lunch
CHF 4.95 *
Inhalt 350 Milliliter (CHF 1.41 * / 100 Milliliter)
Beet Jerky Spicy Bio, 40g - Wild Foods
Beet Jerky Spicy Bio, 40g - Wild Foods
CHF 4.95 *
Inhalt 40 Gramm (CHF 12.38 * / 100 Gramm)
Choccy Wafer Bar, 38g - Buttermilk
Choccy Wafer Bar, 38g - Buttermilk
CHF 2.95 *
Inhalt 38 Gramm (CHF 7.76 * / 100 Gramm)
Double Choccy Crisp Snack Bar, 23g - Buttermilk
Double Choccy Crisp Snack Bar, 23g - Buttermilk
CHF 2.40 *
Inhalt 23 Gramm (CHF 10.43 * / 100 Gramm)
70% Dark Chocolate Coins, 65g - Divine
70% Dark Chocolate Coins, 65g - Divine
CHF 5.10 *
Inhalt 65 Gramm (CHF 7.85 * / 100 Gramm)
Hot Choc Löffel gesalzenes Karamell, 50g - Cocoba
Hot Choc Löffel gesalzenes Karamell, 50g - Cocoba
CHF 7.30 *
Inhalt 50 Gramm (CHF 14.60 * / 100 Gramm)
Einhorn-Zuckerstangen, 140g - Holly's Lollies
Einhorn-Zuckerstangen, 140g - Holly's Lollies
CHF 10.75 *
Inhalt 140 Gramm (CHF 7.68 * / 100 Gramm)
Himbeer-Prosecco Zuckerstangen, 140g - Holly's Lollies
Himbeer-Prosecco Zuckerstangen, 140g - Holly's Lollies
CHF 10.75 *
Inhalt 140 Gramm (CHF 7.68 * / 100 Gramm)
planted.braten Ready-To-Cook Winter Edition by Sebastian Copien, 610g - planted.
planted.braten Ready-To-Cook Winter Edition by Sebastian Copien, 610g - planted.
CHF 12.95 *
Inhalt 610 Gramm (CHF 2.12 * / 100 Gramm)
DIY Seitan Fix, 250g - Vantastic
DIY Seitan Fix, 250g - Vantastic
CHF 4.35 *
Inhalt 250 Gramm (CHF 1.74 * / 100 Gramm)
DIY Seitan Fix, 750g - Vantastic
DIY Seitan Fix, 750g - Vantastic
CHF 10.50 *
Inhalt 750 Gramm (CHF 1.40 * / 100 Gramm)
Sooo Original Plant Based Cre*m Liqueur, 700ml - Dirty Cow
Sooo Original Plant Based Cre*m Liqueur, 700ml - Dirty Cow
CHF 39.95 *
Inhalt 700 Milliliter (CHF 5.71 * / 100 Milliliter)
Loaded Chocolate Plant Based Cre*m Liqueur, 700ml - Dirty Cow
Loaded Chocolate Plant Based Cre*m Liqueur, 700ml - Dirty Cow
CHF 39.95 *
Inhalt 700 Milliliter (CHF 5.71 * / 100 Milliliter)
Silky Strawberry Plant Based Cre*m Liqueur, 700ml - Dirty Cow
Silky Strawberry Plant Based Cre*m Liqueur, 700ml - Dirty Cow
CHF 39.95 *
Inhalt 700 Milliliter (CHF 5.71 * / 100 Milliliter)
Glücks Wichtel Lars, 25g - Mr. Vegan
Glücks Wichtel Lars, 25g - Mr. Vegan
CHF 5.90 * CHF 3.90 *
Inhalt 25 Gramm (CHF 15.60 * / 100 Gramm)
Schokoriegel Brownie Bio, 40g - The Vegan Cow
Schokoriegel Brownie Bio, 40g - The Vegan Cow
CHF 1.80 *
Inhalt 40 Gramm (CHF 4.50 * / 100 Gramm)
Schokoriegel Kokos Bio, 40g - The Vegan Cow
Schokoriegel Kokos Bio, 40g - The Vegan Cow
CHF 1.80 *
Inhalt 40 Gramm (CHF 4.50 * / 100 Gramm)
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